Showing results 1 to 12 of 30

Our graduate programme is open to new and recently graduated vets across the entire island of
Ireland. The year long Program will cover 6 modules covering all the basic needs of a veterinary
surgeon dealing with small animals. The modules will include both theory and hands on practical
learning, which is essential for new grads to learn and progress in their careers.

After completing the programme, you will be competent in numerous areas such as diagnostics,
small animal surgery, effective consults, ultrasound scanning and dentistry. Modules are
delivered in 5 single day modules and one 2-day module (dentistry). Each day you will meet the
same group of colleagues allowing you to build and connect with similar minded people. You can
share experience, support one another and rally behind one another.

An additional bonus included in this programme is an induction night prior to the first session.
This will allow all delegate to meet, get to know another and settle into the programme prior to
the first day of learning. A certificate will be issued upon completion of the programme to certify
your skills and competency gained over the year. And finally, a FREE yearlong membership to
VICAS. This membership to the value of €300 is included in the course cost.



Small Animal Surgery

Duggan Veterinary Graduate Programme

Duggan Veterinary Graduate Programme

*** Skillnet funding available ***

Ultrasound: Intro to Small Animal Ultrasound

An Introduction to Small Animal Ultrasound is aimed at those with limited experience in diagnostic ultrasound. During this highly practical course you will be guided to achieve a good level of proficiency in the practical scanning of the normal abdominal organs and you will receive hands-on experience of scanning the liver and spleen, gastrointestinal tract, urinary and reproductive tract. 

Speaker: Rosie Ellis 

Sponsored by Mindray

** Delegates must be able to bring a dog suitable for scanning with them on the day ** 

What our previous delegates have said about this course:

"Fantastic day, very interactive and enjoyable to learn". 

Diagnostic Imaging

Ultrasound - An Introduction to Small Animal Ultrasound

Ultrasound - An Introduction to Small Animal Ultrasound

*** Skillnet funding available***

Upcoming Courses | County Tipperary Chamber

Approved for 9 CVE Credits

Anaesthesia III: Keeping your finger on the pulse how to get the most out of your anaesthetic monitoring equipment in companion animal practice.

NB This course qualifies for our *combined CPD rate for 1 Vet plus 1 Vet Nurse per practice #worktogetherlearntogether

Speakers: Lynne Hughes MVB, DiplECVAA, DVA, FCARCSI, MRCVS   & Georgina Murphy Dip AVN(Surgical) RVN PGDip Vet Anaesthesia and Analgesia

What previous delegates have said about the course: 

"Very relevant, I feel more comfortable dealing with anaesthetic cases with the information I’ve gotten from this CPD event"

To avail of Skillnet funding for this course follow the link below:

Anaesthesia III: Keeping your finger on the pulse (


Anaesthesia III: Keeping your finger on the pulse

Anaesthesia III: Keeping your finger on the pulse

*** Skillnet Funding Available***

Emergency & Critical Care for Vet Nurses

Managing critical care patients can be hugely rewarding. Successful outcomes are borne out of team work. This course will cover many of the advanced techniques required to manage complex cases with a highly practical afternoon session where will be lots of opportunities to practice!

Speakers: Georgina Murphy Dip AVN(Surgical) RVN PGDip Vet Anaesthesia and Analgesia Olivia Flanagan Bsc(Hons), VNECC, DipFN, RVN

Sponsored by Mila

What our previous delegates have said about this course:

"Another great CPD at Duggans. Really informative course from Georgina and Olivia. Great facilities and friendly, helpful staff. Sarah and Siobhan are super". 



Emergency and critical care for veterinary nurses

Emergency and critical care for veterinary nurses

This interactive onsite day will focus on wound management and practical bandaging techniques applicable to small and large animals. Designed to instill confidence in your veterinary nurses in their bandaging abilites and delivered by the industry leaders in wound management and bandaging health. 

Places are limited so please do not hesitate to book your place today.

Georgie is a huge advocate of the Veterinary Nurse and their role that they can play alongside the surgeon to achieve optimal outcomes for animals.

Small Animal Medicine

Bandaging Bootcamp with the Bandaging Angels

Bandaging Bootcamp with the Bandaging Angels

This course is aimed at Nurses looking to utilise their skill set by setting up and implementing Vet Nurse Consults in their practice. We will identify the different types of clinics, while exploring the financial benefit to the practice. 

This full day course delivers theory in the morning and an interactive workshop in the afternoon where nurses can share and develop ideas and a business plan to help them set up their own clinics in practice.

Speaker: Melanie O Donoghue RVN Dip DM, Dip LM, Dip HRM, Cert. Agri, Cert Fear Free

"The cpd on Nurse consults with Melanie O Donoghue exceeded my expectations. The venue was very well set up, phenomenal food and coffee supplied which made the day more comfortable. The course itself was incredibly informative and very real world focused with Melanie's experience in nursing proving invaluable. I willl definitely attend/recommend further cpds with Melanie and would strongly recommend Duggans as a venue, the team especially Sarah were warm and welcoming."

Small Animal Medicine

Nurse Consults - examine the possibilities!

Nurse Consults - examine the possibilities!

This is our second addition to our Emergency medicine series with Ciara Mc Grath and aims to bring practitioners one step further in their emergency medicine skills and knowledge. 

Delivered onsite with hands-on practical learning and teaching in our purpose built wet lab facility this will be a comprehensive course for the first opinion and mixed practice vets wishing to develop their small animal emergency toolkit. 

Speaker: Ciara Mc Grath MVB (HONS) MSc MRCVS DipECVECC

** This course can be booked as part of the Emergency Medicine Bundle when you book the GIT Emergency medicine course also and delegates will receive a discount for booking both courses ** 

Emergency & Critical Care

Mastering your Cardiorespiratory emergencies

Mastering your Cardiorespiratory emergencies

Become familiar with indications for toe, and limb amputation in dogs and cats. Perform a toe amputation, forelimb, and hind limb amputation on canine cadavers using standard surgical instruments. Overview the benefits of surgical cautery and get an opportunity to practice on cadavers. Learn about post-operative management and dealing with intraoperative and post-operative complications to optimize outcomes.

Speaker: Ciaran Jones MVB, MS, Dipl. ECVS, Dipl. ACVS. MRCVS 


Small Animal Surgery

Amputation Surgery in small animal veterinary

Amputation Surgery in small animal veterinary

This course aims to introduce basic ultrasound as a preliminary imaging tool performed by veterinary nurses in a variety of clinical situations. It will include a revision of anatomy and highlight the importance of patient preparation and positioning.

The practical component of the course will cover scanning for the critical care patient, performing an AFAST® and TFAST® with an emphasis on the role of the veterinary nurse in serial monitoring for subsequent fluid scoring of cases under supervision of a Veterinarian. We will discuss the use of ultrasound in obtaining images of pregnancy, fetal viability and pyometra. This promises to be an interesting course aimed at Veterinary Nurses in small animal clinical setting.

Speaker: Rosie Ellis DVM GPCertDI MSc BA

** Delegates must be able to bring a dog suitable for scanning on the day of the course ** 

Small Animal Medicine

Ultrasonography for veterinary nurses

Ultrasonography for veterinary nurses

*** Skillnet funding available***

Upcoming Courses | County Tipperary Chamber


This course is aimed at those with an intermediate level of knowledge in abdominal ultrasound and would be ideally suited to participants who attended our 'Introduction to Small Animal Ultrasound'

During this highly practical course you will be guided to identify normal and abnormal ultrasonographic appearance of the abdomen including: Liver, Spleen, Gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract and pancreas.

Speaker: Rosie Ellis DVM MSc BA

** Delegates must be able to bring a dog suitable for scanning with them on the day ** 

Sponsored by Mindray

What previous delegates have said about this course:

"Fantastic course. The speaker Rosie was really helpful+ instructive. Her passion for ultrasound/ imaging was infectious! The facilities in Duggans are excellent- both for the practical part of the course, and where the theory classes are. Lovely food + beverages supplied during day. Very friendly + helpful staff at Duggans also, special thanks to Sarah for helping it all run so smoothly". 

Diagnostic Imaging

Ultrasound - Intermediate Ultrasound scanning

Ultrasound - Intermediate Ultrasound scanning

This course is suitable for Veterinary Surgeons who are experienced in fracture management, but no previous experience of using ILN is required. Places on this course will be strictly limited to 14 delegates. Bookings will be taken on a “first come, first served” basis.

  • Veterinary ILN; concept, biomechanics, evolution.
  • Surg’X ILN system; presentation, technical features, indications, clinical evaluation.
  • Pre-operative planning; surgical approaches, tips, tricks & practical session.
  • Step-by-step instruction on surgical technique; dry-lab practical (canine) followed by wet-lab practical (canine and feline).

Please note some learning material will be supplied in advance to the course, to maximise the time available for practical sessions on the day.

Speaker: Prof. Olivier Gauthier, DVM, MSc, PhD

Full Professor of small animal Surgery and Dentistry in the Department of Clinical Sciences of Oniris –  (Veterinary  school of Nantes, France).

He participated in the development and clinical evaluation of Surg'X ILN system




SurgX Interlocking Nail System

SurgX Interlocking Nail System

Delivered by European and American Diplomate in Small Animal Surgery Ciaran Jones. This day will be an engaging and comprehensive view wounds and skin reconstruction covering the following topics:

Become familiar with tension relieving techniques · Close different shaped wounds: Dog ears, triangular, circular/crescent and rectangular/quadrangular wounds · Practice subdermal plexus flaps: Advancement flaps, rotation flaps, transposition flaps and interpolation flaps · Practice axial pattern flaps: Thoracodorsal flaps and caudal superficial epigastric flaps · Recall the different skin graft options Perform full-thickness meshed skin graft and pinch and punch graft.

Speaker: Ciaran Jones MVB, MS, Dipl. ECVS, Dipl. ACVS. MRCVS 

Small Animal Surgery

Skin and reconstructive surgery of the dog and cat

Skin and reconstructive surgery of the dog and cat