Skin and reconstructive surgery of the dog and cat
Delivered by European and American Diplomate in Small Animal Surgery Ciaran Jones. This day will be an engaging and comprehensive view wounds and skin reconstruction covering the following topics:
Become familiar with tension relieving techniques · Close different shaped wounds: Dog ears, triangular, circular/crescent and rectangular/quadrangular wounds · Practice subdermal plexus flaps: Advancement flaps, rotation flaps, transposition flaps and interpolation flaps · Practice axial pattern flaps: Thoracodorsal flaps and caudal superficial epigastric flaps · Recall the different skin graft options Perform full-thickness meshed skin graft and pinch and punch graft.
Speaker: Ciaran Jones MVB, MS, Dipl. ECVS, Dipl. ACVS. MRCVS
Skin and reconstructive surgery of the dog and cat
Duration:1 day
- 1 day
- Fri 19 Sep 2025 | 09:00 - 17:00