Explore the latest dermatologic developments from a new (online) perspective
Skin disorders are fairly common clinical presentations in small animal practices – but that doesn’t mean their diagnosis and treatment are always easy to figure out. Improve International invites you to embark on an immersive and interactive learning experience – the NEW Postgraduate Certificate Programme in Dermatology. Through online lectures and different case discussions, you will learn how to confidently approach the dog, cat and exotic patient presenting with the various manifestations of skin disease in a logical and scientific manner.
Ready to expand your clinical problem-solving skills?
This new 100% online CPD programme comprises 14 modules with all the current information in veterinary dermatology. You will have a chance to revisit basic topics, such as the anatomy and physiology of the skin, and to develop your knowledge in common conditions as pruritus, pigmentation, alopecia and ulceration. You will also be provided with the latest knowledge in more unusual disorders like immune-mediated skin disease, neoplasia, and infectious conditions.
Each module of the course will spread over a month, giving you plenty of time to study and explore our innovative learning resources (such as videos from the tutors, real-world clinical cases, notes and quizzes).
Benefit from a rich learning experience provided by online learning specialists
The Dermatology Postgraduate Certificate Programme is a high-quality online course that enables you to improve your skills without leaving the comfort of your own home or practice. The programme content is overseen by Peri Lau Gillard DVM Cert VD DipECVD MRCVS EBVS and built by a team of online learning specialists.
Change your perspective on skin disease, uncover all the latest developments in this area and achieve a recognised qualification awarded by ISVPS and Harper Adams University.
Start Date: May 2024
Registration Available until 1st of August 2024
Early Bird booking prices available until March 2024
Start at €8455