Tibial Tuberosity Advancement

Pending approval for CVE points 
Tibial Tuberosity Advancement (TTA) has become one of the preferred techniques used in orthopaedic practice for the treatment of cranial cruciate ligament disease. It is more invasive than some of the other techniques and involves an osteotomy. We strongly recommend attending a practical course before attempting this technique.
Securos Orthopaedic Institute has trained many veterinary surgeons worldwide to a level where they feel confident to use this technique in practice.
In the morning session we will initially focus on the pathophysiology of cranial cruciate ligament disease and the theory that surrounds TTA. 
This course has been designed to be highly practical, offering the opportunity to practise the technique twice, once on a saw bone and then in the wet lab.

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Tibial Tuberosity Advancement


Course Objectives:
Biomechanics of the cruciate ligament deficient stifle and tibial tuberosity advancement
Patient assessment and selection of candidates for surgery
Pre-operative surgical planning and implant selection
Familiarisation with, and appropriate use of, TTA instrumentation
Surgical technique taught in a dry lab and wet lab.
Post-operative management of patients
Potential complications and how to deal with them
What previous delegates have said about this course:
"Enthusiastic, practical and helpful instructors. Duggan's staff were very supportive"