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*** Skillnet Funding available***

Upcoming Courses | County Tipperary Chamber

What can you do for the carpus or tarsus that cannot be returned to full function by standard orthopedic surgery? What options for carpal or tarsal salvage are available and when should they be performed? 

Participants will develop their knowledge, practical skills and clinical decision-making about how and when to perform an arthrodesis in this practical one-day course. The course will consist of lectures and clinical cases, followed by practical surgical exercises using cadavers. This course covers investigations and treatment into carpal and tarsal injuries and the decision-making process of which arthrodesis techniques are indicated.  

Speaker: Ciaran Jones MVB MS DECVS European Diplomate Small Animal Surgery, DACVS-SA American Diplomate Small Animal Surgery


Arthrodesis: When it is warranted and how to carry it out?

Arthrodesis: When it is warranted and how to carry it out?

Pending approval from the VCI 

This 2 day combined theory & practical course is an excellent practical course on feline orthopaedic surgery aimed at veterinary practitioners who wish to advance their knowledge and practical surgical skills. Course participants will learn about fracture management and the application of intramedullary pinning, cerclage wire, type I external skeletal fixation, K-wire + tension band and bone plating. The surgical management of mandibular/maxillary fractures, hip luxation and cranial ligament instability will also be covered.

Join our world class speakers Sorrel Langley-Hobbs who runs the Feline Orthopaedic Clinic in Bristol & Shane Guerin for this highly practical course. Numbers are limited to ensure you receive an unsurpassed practical learning experience.

Speakers: Sorrel Langley-Hobbs MA BVVetMed DSAS (Orth) DipECVS FHEA MRCVS Shane Guerin MVB MACVSC Cert SAO DVCSC DIPL ECVS MRCVS &

What our previous course participants have said...

'Excellent CPD, well organised, very practical teaching and wet lab tutorials. Looking forward to coming back again' 

'This orthopaedics course was very informative and practical in a fantastic facility and gave me a skill set to use straight away' 


Feline Orthopaedics

Feline Orthopaedics