Equine Lameness Day Fore and Hindlimb - Seminar and Wetlab - Module 1

The course will be a basic full day of hands-on practicals with cadaver limbs.  We will cover examination of the lame horse, practical assessment of limb swellings and when and how to sample joint and tendon sheath fluid, and other fluid swellings.  All lower limb nerve blocks will be demonstrated and can be practised on cadavers - PDNB, ASNB, low 4 point (forelimb) / 6 point blocks (hindlimb), high 4 / 6 point blocks and the deep branches of the lateral palmar (forelimb) and plantar nerves (hindlimb) (for suspensory desmitis).  Joint and tendon sheath injections will be demonstrated and can be practiced on the cadavers.  

Practicalities and safety aspects will be covered and common complications associated with nerve blocks and joint / sheath injections will be discussed. There will be discussion of common lameness conditions and the management of lameness and limb swellings.   Dissection of the cadaver limbs will be encouraged to refresh anatomical knowledge, particularly with relevance to minor surgical procedures of the lower limbs. 

Speaker: Warren Schofield MA, VetMB, CertES, MRCVS, DipECVS

Specialist Equine Veterinary Surgeon



€650 per person Booking

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Equine Lameness Day Fore and Hindlimb - Seminar and Wetlab - Module 1

Duration:1 day

Level:Pending Approval by VCI

  • 1 day
  • Fri 1 Nov 2024 | 09:00 - 17:00

The course is ideal for practitioners wanting an introduction to equine lameness, or to revise and advance basic skills, such as nerve blocks and synovial structure assessment and sampling / medicating. Participants are encouraged to bring along photos and videos of cases for discussion.